Saturday, April 17, 2010

Backlink to insert your trafict

Backlinks (or back-links [UK]) are incoming links to a website or web page. Inbound links were originally important (prior to the emergence of search engines) as a primary means of web navigation; today their significance lies in search engine optimization (SEO)! The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (though other measures, such as PageRank, are likely to be more important). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they indicate who is paying attention to that page.

In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node (Björneborn and Ingwersen, 2004). Backlinks are also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.

When HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) was designed, there was no explicit mechanism in the design to keep track of backlinks in software, as this carried additional logistical and network overhead.

Some website software internally keeps track of backlinks. Examples of this include most wiki and CMS software.

Most commercial search engines provide a mechanism to determine the number of backlinks they have recorded to a particular web page. For example, Google can be searched using to find the number of pages on the Web pointing to Google only shows a small fraction of the number of links pointing to a site. It credits many more backlinks than it shows for each website.

Other mechanisms have been developed to track backlinks between disparate webpages controlled by organizations that aren't associated with each other. The most notable example of this is TrackBacks between blogs.
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What is Affiliate marketing ?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a company one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer rewards through the efforts of affiliate marketing. Examples include amounts websites, where users are rewarded with money or gifts for completing an offer, and guidance from others on the site. The industry has four main parties: the merchant (also known as Retail or brand ) is known, the network, the editor (or Group ) and the client. The market has become more complex, a high school player to justify including the members of the governing bodies, super-affiliates and specialized third parties.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because often associated regular advertising methods used. These methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search marketing, e-mail marketing, and in a sense ads. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes offered less orthodox techniques like publishing reviews of products or services by a partner.

Affiliate marketingusing a website to generate visitors to anothers a form of online marketing, which is overlooked by advertisers. Syndication [1] Although pay the search engines, e-mail, web site and collect much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing a much lower profile. Marketing strategies, but members continue to play an important role in e-retailers. [2]
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How Affiliate Programs Work

These days it is very simple, a website. If you connect a computer to the Internet, go to a site like Geocities or AOL have web design templates and use to create a simple personal page?. These pages give you a URL, save the content of your page and slap on some ads. As one or two hours, is the web page
But what happens if you want to take your place at the next level? If you manage a website content, how can you earn money with your traffic? If you are an online retailer, how can you people on your site to buy your products? A popular option that serves both these functions is an affiliate program.
In this article we will examine to find affiliate programs, what they are, how they work, who they are and how you can use to benefit your site.
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Joke : Apple's iPad becomes this year big April Fools joke

Funky ...

Apparently it is April 1st today which means the web is awash with April Fools gags. And once again there have been some corkers this year.

The butt of most people's techno jokes, is unsurprisingly, and maybe a little unfairly, the Apple iPad. The Cnet crew has an exclusive interview with cockernee barra boy turned Apple senior designer Jonny Ive on how the iPad started off as huge joke, except it was one that Steve Jobs fell for.

Also taking the mickey out of the iPad is Iwoot which runs with the theory that the iPad is just an iPod touch which has overdosed on the pies. It has an iPhone to iPad dock, which magically turns an iPhone into an iPad! Using a touch-screen magnifier, your iPhone screen is enlarged to the exact dimensions of an iPad. Very smart!

Adagio Teas who? have also been ribbing the iPad with their iPad thermometer, which tells you how hot your tea is and emails you when it hits the right temperature.

What Thoshiba to ... OMG :p

Toshiba has seemingly gone a bit April Fool bananas. It has two gags - Scentvisons which automatically fills your head with the scent of the programme you are watching when you don 3D glasses and The Tube Top, an inflatable laptop designed to be used in the bath.
Google is also displaying a sense of humour in announcing that it has just launched Google translate for animals so you can work out what your mutt is trying to tell you.
Then there's Recruitwit, a site which checks your employer compatibility from your digital footprint. There's more on it here. Actually someone is probably already working on that one.
The other one that is so close to the bone that it could just be true comes from Intego which is introducing edible packaging across its range of Mac security tools.
According to the release
The boxes will come in two flavors: the company's VirusBarrier X6 box will be bacon-flavored, and its Internet Security Barrier X6 box will be roast chicken-flavored. In addition, each box will include packets of low-fat, low-salt, naturally-flavored salad dressing: French dressing for VirusBarrier X6, and blue-cheese dressing for Internet Security Barrier X6. Standard license boxes, good for protecting up to two Macs, will contain two packets of salad dressing; family pack boxes, which protect up to five Macs, will contain five packets.
What does scare me slightly is that buried among the gags are a few ideas that one day we'll probably see. Which brings me neatly back to the Cnet story
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Secret of Yahoo Messeger

mybe not only me know this . alot of you know what is IM : Yahoo Messenger 10, if u want to Free download it.
in this post i dn't want talk about Yahoo Messenger but we talking Secret of  Yahoo Messenger

some time u look in other blog show emoticon of Yahoo msgr

exspamle like this

its use ulr schemes , huh what's that 

In the field of computer networking, a URI scheme is the top level of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) naming structure. All URIs and absolute URI references are formed with a scheme name, followed by a colon character (":"), and the remainder of the URI called (in the outdated RFCs 1738 and 2396, but not the current STD 66/RFC 3986) the scheme-specific part. The syntax and semantics of the scheme-specific part are left largely to the specifications governing individual schemes, subject to certain constraints such as reserved characters and how to "escape" them.

read more ... from Wiki pedia

now talk about all i have about ulr schames for Yahoo Messeger

   * ymsgr:addfriend? Example: ymsgr:addfriend?myid
   * ymsgr:sendfile? Example: ymsgr:sendfile?myid
   * ymsgr:call? Example: ymsgr:call?1-800-555-7654
   * ymsgr:callPhone? Example: ymsgr:callPhone?1-800-555-7654
   * ymsgr:chat? "opens chat room list"
   * ymsgr:im? Opens "send an im window"
   * ymsgr:getimv?doodle
   * ymsgr:getimv?yfighter
   * ymsgr:sms?+1234567 "for sms"
Multi Open YM in single PC 

Here are the steps :
  • Click on Start -> Run…
  • Type Regedit in Run text box and hit enter to launch Registry Editor
  • Now, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Yahoo > Pager > Test.
  • On the right pane, right click and click on New > DWORD value
  • Rename the new registry key as Plural.
  • Right Click on “Plural” and Select “Modify”. Change the cell value in “Value Data” to 1 (For Vista & Windows 7 users)

 If u didn klow where just save this code in txt and save as .reg

Enjoy Internet messger :p

Tag : Yahoo Messger 10 , url scheme , Free sms and call , multi client

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